Empathic explorer seeks kindred spirits

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Alexandria, Virginia | Mann Suche eine/n Frau

Basis Information

Ich kann sprechen
Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als
Hi, and thanks for taking the time to read this. That already means a lot to me.

So...I don't have a Harley or even a car. Due to my visual impairment, I can take all forms of public transit pretty much in my sleep, and cannot drive AT ALL.

Update: I'm FINALLY retiring soon! WOOHOO! Anybody want to join me in enjoying a relatively schedule-free life (within reason)?

Are you looking for a real person, and not a king or a prince? If you're tired of the monarchy and might prefer to escape the castle with a jester, Euphor may be for you.

Are you looking for honesty right out of the gate? If so, and if you can offer the same, Euphor may be for you.

Can you get lost in creating or enjoying deep conversation, music, art, or hugs over coffee or a joint? If you can, and especially if you often do, Euphor may be for you.

Are you endlessly curious about the world and always want to learn and share what you know? If you know that Curiosity never killed a cat, Euphor may be for you.

Do you prefer going natural instead of shaving or wearing makeup? Are you sick of being thought of as a height, a weight, an age, or a size? If you want to be appreciated as you are, Euphor may be for you.

Are you familiar with or open to exploring ethical non-monogamy/polyamory? If you can love and be loved with honesty and openness instead of jealousy, Euphor may be for you. Please understand, polyamory is NOT the same thing as cheating, some sort of cult, lack of caring, or conquest of any sort. Safety, consent, and practicality are key. I guess I do need to explicitly state this here: Non-monogamy is NOT THE SAME...not the same...as non-caring, shallow, "any thing that moves," etc. I'd rather have one non-jealous partner than two jealous ones, or two non-jealous partners than one jealous one--a convoluted way of saying it's about the attitude, not the number. I feel best when someone loves me because I'm ME, not because I'm ONE or ONLY, and there is truly a difference.

Are you open to various methods of inner exploration, both with and without the use of psychedelics? If you are fascinated by the universe between your ears, Euphor may be for you.

Do you often find yourself straying from paths assigned to you by society? Are you almost always full of questions? If you are, Euphor might be for you.

Do you care very deeply about people, both individually and collectively? If you might like to plant some seeds for a better world, even if we may not see it in our lifetime, Euphor may be for you.

If you worship a hateful God, or you believe that science came from the pit of hell, or you believe that my being fully vaxxed and boosted somehow makes me an evil alien agent of the "deep state," Euphor is most likely NOT for you.

By the way...If you're trying to scam people, you'll have no luck here.

Erscheinung & Situation

Mein Körpertyp ist
Meine Größe ist
5' 6 (1.68 m)
Meine Augen sind
Meine Herkunft ist
Mein Familienstand ist
Nie Verheiratet
Ich habe Kinder
Ich möchte Kinder
Nicht sicher
Mein Haar ist
Bereit umzuziehen


Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist
Teilweise Hochschule
Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist
Meine Spezialität ist
Computer / Elektronik
Mein Job-Titel ist
Program Specialist
Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel
$45,000USD bis $59,999USD
Ich lebe
Es gibt keinen Lärm
Ich bin Raucher
Ja - Aber keinen Tabak
Ich trinke
Ja - Sozial


In der Hauptschule war ich
Mein soziales Verhalten ist
Aufmerksam, Freundlich, Eigenartig
Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind
Familie, Essen gehen, Trainieren, Lesen, Lernen, Musik, Filme, Internet, Reisen, Camping, Computer
Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist
Mit Freunden ausgehen, Party machen, Daheim bleiben, Versuche neue Dinge, Filme, Entspannen, Schlafen, Ein Buch lesen, In ein Konzert gehen, In ein Museum gehen
Ein ideales erstes Date wäre
On our first date, we can build a time machine. On our second date, we can pick a historical event to go back and change so the world is better. Or if that's too extreme, a cup of coffee in a quiet place works for me too. :)
Ich wollte immer schon versuchen
Um...Should I tell?...:)


Meine Religion ist
Ich besuche Gottesdienste
Mein Ziel im Leben ist
I always try to expand the choices my friends have, and sometimes that gets me in trouble...but it's what I seem to have a natural tendency for,
Mein Art Humor ist
Freundlich, Albern, Mysteriös


Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an
Nachrichten, Dokumentationen, Filme
Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer
Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama
Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer
Rock, Electronic, Industrial, New Age, Stimmungsvoll, Dance, Reggae, Folk, Punk
Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer
Nachrichten, Anthologie, Computer, Fiction, Geschichte, Horror, Politisch, Poesie, Science Fiction, Technisch
Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist
I've always had an urge to create. It runs in my family, apparently. I love to make music, code, write...but it's always more fun to share.

Suche nach

Was findest du attraktiv?
Esprit, Seltsamkeiten, Sensibilität, Einfühlungsvermögen, Humor, Nachdenklich, Intelligenz
Wonach suchst du?
All the multiple-choice "factory specification" stuff is utterly secondary to me. I don't care how much money your wallet makes, how tall/short your ruler is, how much your bathroom scale weighs, whether your television looks like a supermodel, where your resume works, when your birth certificate was born, or whether your degrees finished college (The entire Earth can be your school, and I respect wisdom more than credentials). I do care that you be a real, caring, affectionate, creative, self-aware, evolving, and self-accepting person who dares to live, love, and feel as you will without having to step on others. If you often feel like a color without a name, you're curious about the world around you, you think/feel deeply, your path veers off the main stream by conscious choice, and you can love without jealousy, we'll probably have quite a lot to start with.
Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du?
Freund, Date, Vertrauter, Verpflichtendes, Andere